Hardy Plants

Woodsii ilvensis

Type: Hardy, deciduous fern
Family: Woodsiaceae
Color: green fronds
Exposure: full sun; shade from hot afternoon sun
Bloom Month: summer (spores)
Height: 2-10”
Shape: clumps
Soil: rocky slopes; thin, dry, acidic soils
Moisture: moist, well drained; draught causes dormancy in hot summers
Origin: North America and northern Eurasia
Hardiness Zone: 3-5
Propagation: From spores or careful division
Notes: Also called Rusty Woodsia or oblong woodsia; considered “Threatened” or “Endangered” in the states of Illinois, Iowa, and Maryland and “Presumed Extirpated” in Ohio

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Veronica spicata

Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Plantaginaceae
Color: blue, pink, purple and white flowers
Exposure: Full sun; tolerates light shade
Bloom Month: June to August
Height: 1–3 feet
Shape: upright, clump-forming
Soil: moderately fertile, well-drained
Moisture: Constant moisture due to shallow roots
Origin: Native Range: Northern Europe, Asia
Hardiness Zone: 3 to 8
Propagation: From seed, cuttings or division
Notes: Common name Spiked speedwell; remove spent flower spikes to encourage additional bloom. Plants may be cut back to basal growth after flowering.

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Trollius pumilus

Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Ranunculaceae
Color: Yellow
Exposure: sun or partial shade
Bloom Month: June – July
Height: 8-12 inches
Shape: mounding clump, 8-12”
Soil: Tolerates heavy, wet clay soils
Moisture: Damp
Origin: Plant range: Himalaya & E Tibet
Hardiness Zone: 3
Propagation: From seed or division
Notes: Also known as Dwarf Globeflower; shear back in summer to promote fresh new growth

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Type: Evergreen subshrub
Family: Lamiaceae
Color: small purple or pink flowers
Exposure: sunny location
Bloom Month: early summer
Height: 6–12 in
Shape: bushy ground cover
Soil: well-drained soil
Moisture: Moist but not wet
Origin: native to southern Europe from the western Mediterranean to southern Italy
Hardiness Zone: 2-5
Propagation: easily propagated from cuttings
Notes: Numerous cultivars and hybrids have been developed for ornamental purposes

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Thalictrum kiusianum

Type: Herbaceous perennial; miniature woodland plant
Family: Ranunculaceae
Color: lavender to pinkish-purple flowers
Exposure: Full sun to part shade
Bloom Month: June to August
Height: 4-6”
Shape: low-growing foliage mat or clump
Soil: organically rich, moderately fertile, well drained
Moisture: more water needed in full sun
Origin: Native Range: Japan, Korea in moist woodland alpine areas
Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Propagation: May be grown from seed and will self-seed.
Notes: Also called ‘Dwarf Meadow Rue’; dioecious

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Sisyrinchium montanum

Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Iridaceae
Color: purple with yellow center
Exposure: full sun to partial shade
Bloom Month: June
Height: 4 – 20 in
Shape: grass like clumps
Soil: sandy loam
Moisture: moist but not wet soil
Origin: Northern North America from Newfoundland west to easternmost Alaska, and south to Pennsylvania in the east, and to New Mexico in the Rocky Mountains; introduced to parts of France, likely during WWI
Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Propagation: From seed or division
Notes: Also known as ‘Blue-eyed grass’

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Symphyandra zangezura

Type: short-lived perennial or biennial
Family: Campanulaceae
Color: pale lavender-blue bells
Exposure: full sun; protect from hot afternoon sun
Bloom Month: May in warmer regions but may not start until July further north
Height: 10”
Shape: mound, leafy rosette; 15”
Soil: fertile
Moisture: moist, but well-drained
Origin: native from the Caucasus to northwestern Iran.
Hardiness Zone: zone 5 or colder
Propagation: From seed; self-seeds when happy – has a tap root
Notes: Also called Caucasian Ring Bellflower.

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Soldonella carpatica

Type: Evergreen perennial
Family: Primulaceae
Color: Violet, white, blue, purple; bell-shaped, fringed
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade; protection from hot afternoon sun
Bloom Month: June
Height: 6”
Shape: mat; tuft; 6-10”
Soil: fertile, well drained; suitable for troughs
Moisture: cool, moist
Origin: native to the Carpathian and Tatra Mountians
Hardiness Zone: 4-5
Propagation: From seed or division; divide regularly to maintain vigor
Notes: Latin names include Soldanella alpina, Soldanella villosa, and Soldanella carpatica.

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Semiaquilegia ecalcarta

Type: Hardy perennial
Family: Ranunculaceae
Color: deep violet to wine purple
Exposure: Full sun
Bloom Month: June-July
Height: 12-18”
Shape: mound or tuft, 8-12”
Soil: Clay, Chalk, Sand, Loam
Moisture: moist, but well drained
Origin: native to open woodlands in China
Hardiness Zone: 4 -8
Propagation: From seed
Notes:; also called False columbine or semiaqualegia as it has no spurs on flowers

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Sedum kamtschaticum

Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Crassulaceae
Color: yellow
Exposure: Full sun to shade
Bloom Month: June-August
Height: 6”
Shape: low-growing foliage mat
Soil: tolerates sandy or clay soils
Moisture: well drained
Origin: E. Asia – Japan to Siberia.
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Propagation: Seeds, cuttings, division
Notes: Also called Kamchatka sedum or Kamchatka stonecrop; hermaphrodite, self-fertile

Alaska Rock Garden Society

The society has been very active in bringing well know speakers to the area. The group leads seed collecting trips to areas of alpine plants in Alaska.

Contact Information

Alaska Rock Garden Society

12001 Audubon Drive
Anchorage, AK 99516

Email: jrtinker@mtaonline.net

© By Alaska Rock Garden Society. All Rights Reserved.