Hardy Plants

Primula auricula

Type: evergreen perennial
Family: Primulaceae
Color: multiple colors
Exposure: part-shade
Bloom Month: May-June
Height: 8”
Shape: rosettes
Soil: well-drained but moist
Moisture: moist
Origin: Europe – Alps and Carpathian mountains.
Hardiness Zone: 3-7
Propagation: From seed or division
Notes: auricula means ‘ear-shaped’; also called mountain cowslip or bear’s ear

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Primula marginata

Type: evergreen or semi-evergreen perennial
Family: Primulaceae
Color: lavender
Exposure: Sun, part sun
Bloom Month: May-June
Height: 5”
Shape: clumps of rosettes Soil: scree, trough
Moisture: Well drained but moist
Origin: Europe
Hardiness Zone: 4
Propagation: From seed or division
Notes: leathery, silver-edged leaf edges lined with farina; cultivation dates to 1700s

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Potentilla verna

Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Rosaceae
Color: yellow
Exposure: Full sun to part shade; will not grow in full shade
Bloom Month: May-June
Height: 3-6”
Shape: ground cover; mat
Soil: sandy loam; well drained
Moisture: medium
Origin: Native Range: Northern, western and central Europe
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Propagation: From seed or root cuttings
Notes: Common Name: cinquefoil; vigorous

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Phlox subulata

Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Polemoniaceae
Color: Red-purple to violet-purple to pink to white
Exposure: Full sun
Bloom Month: May-June
Height: 3-6”
Shape: mat-forming; can grow up to 3’
Soil: humusy, well-drained soils; also grows well in sandy or gravely soils
Moisture: medium moisture
Origin: Native Range: Eastern and central United States
Hardiness Zone: 2-7
Propagation: Division or cuttings
Notes: Common name Moss Phlox; vigorous

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Phlox condensate

Type: Perineal herb
Family: Polemoniaceae
Color: white or pink
Exposure: full sun
Bloom Month:
Height: 1-2”
Shape: cushion-like mats
Soil: sharply drained medium that is alkaline in nature
Moisture: moderate to dry– do not overwater
Origin: Eastern California, Nevada, Colorado and small areas of New Mexico
Hardiness Zone: 4
Notes: Winter-wet must be avoided

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Petrocallis pyrenaica

Type: Hardy perennial
Family: Brassicaceae
Color: lilac or pale pink
Exposure: sun, part sun
Bloom Month: spring
Height: 2-4”
Shape: mat forming
Soil: scree, trough; limey
Moisture: well drained, rocky
Origin: European mountains
Hardiness Zone: 4-7
Propagation: From seed
Notes: Also called Draba pyrenaica, Pyrenean Whitlow Grass

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Penstemon davidsonii

Type: evergreen perennial
Family: Plantaginaceae
Color: blue, lavender to purple
Exposure: Full sun
Bloom Month: late spring, early summer
Height: 3-4”
Shape: mat forming
Soil: lean, well-drained soil
Moisture: well drained, not overwatered
Origin: North America: Sierra Nevada Range in California and Nevada through the Coast and Cascade ranges of Oregon and Washington into British Columbia
Hardiness Zone: 5-8
Propagation: From seed or woody cuttings
Notes: Common name Davidson’s penstemon

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Papaver alboroseum

Type: Perennial herb
Family: Papaveraceae
Color: striking white to pale pink flowers
Exposure: Full sun
Bloom Month: June-August
Height: 2.5 to 7 inches
Shape: clumps
Soil: sand and gravel
Moisture: well drained but not dry
Origin: native to temperate and cold regions of Eurasia, Africa and North America.
Hardiness Zone: 2-7
Propagation: self- seeds
Notes: Also called ‘Pale Poppy’; sensitive status, collection and disturbance of pale poppy prohibited in national forests of Alaska; does not like competition with other plants

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Papaver alaskanum

Type: Perennial
Family: papaveraceae
Color: yellow
Exposure: full to partial sun
Bloom Month: Jun-Aug.
Height: 6-12”
Shape: clump
Soil: Sands and gravel
Moisture: well drained, but not dry
Origin: Alaska; Asia (Russian Far East, Kamchatka)
Hardiness Zone: 1-4
Propagation: From seed
Notes: one of the northernmost plants in the world

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Paederota bonarota

Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Color: violet-blue to lilac-blue, occasionally pink
Exposure: Part sun
Bloom Month: mid to late summer.
Height: 4-8”
Shape: tufted to clump forming – ground cover
Soil: scree
Moisture: well drained
Origin: Southern and eastern Alps, in limestone rock crevices at 2500m.
Hardiness Zone:
Propagation: From seed
Notes: a choice relative of veronica

Alaska Rock Garden Society

The society has been very active in bringing well know speakers to the area. The group leads seed collecting trips to areas of alpine plants in Alaska.

Contact Information

Alaska Rock Garden Society

12001 Audubon Drive
Anchorage, AK 99516

Email: jrtinker@mtaonline.net

© By Alaska Rock Garden Society. All Rights Reserved.