Hardy Plants

Minuartia verna

Type: Perennial evergreen herb
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Color: white
Exposure: Mostly sun
Bloom Month: summer
Height: 4-6”
Shape: cushion, 15-24”
Soil: Average, well drained, gritty; limey
Moisture: consistently moist
Origin: N. hemisphere, mainly Europe, Mediterranean, and N Africa, SWAsia, and the Caucasus
Hardiness Zone: 2
Propagation: From seed or division
Notes: Also known as Irish Moss or Spring Sandwort

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Minuartia arctica

Type: Perennial evergreen herb
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Color: single white, star shaped flowers
Exposure: Part Shade
Bloom Month: Summer
Height: 2-3”
Shape: Mat forming; creeping
Soil: dry gravely soils
Moisture: dry
Origin: N hemisphere, Europe, Mediterranean, North Africa, southwest Asia, and the Caucasus
Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Propagation: Propagate by division, cuttings or seed.
Notes: Commonly known as Artic Sandwort, or Artic Stitchwort

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Loisleuria procumbens

Type: perennial, dwarf shrub
Family: Ericaceae
Color: rose to white bell
Exposure: part shade
Bloom Month: June-August
Height: 1-3 ft
Shape: mat-forming
Soil: rocky or peaty, acid soils
Moisture: Cool, moist
Origin: Circumpolar, through most of AK & Yukon
Hardiness Zone: 1
Propagation: From seed, or stem rooting
Notes: Also called Alpine azalea

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Lewisia tweedyi

Type: fleshy, perennial herb
Family: Montiaceae
Color: salmon to yellowish-pink
Exposure: full sun, with some partial shade tolerated
Bloom Month: May to July
Height: 4-8”
Shape: basal-leaf rosette
Soil: very sharp drainage, root crown does not tolerate being wet
Moisture: drought tolerant
Origin: found in north-central Washington and adjacent Canada
Hardiness Zone: 4-7
Seeds: From seed or side shoot cuttings
Notes: Seeds are attractive to and dispersed by ants

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Lewisia pygmaea

Type: petite perennial herb
Family: Montiaceae
Color: white, pink or magenta
Exposure: mostly sun
Bloom Month: May-August
Height: 2-3”
Shape: basal rosette
Soil: well drained, rocky, gritty with minimum nutrients
Moisture: moderate water
Origin: native to western North America from Alaska and Alberta to California and New Mexico
Hardiness Zone: 3-7
Propagation: division of offshoots
Notes: common name alpine lewisia and pygmy bitterroot

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Lewisia cotyleton

Type: Evergreen perennial herb
Family: Montiaceae
Color: usually white with dark pink stripes
Exposure: semi shade
Bloom Month: May to June
Height: 8”
Shape: basal rosette
Soil: Sandy loam, well drained; tolerates nutritionally poor soil
Moisture: moist; avoid winter wet
Origin: Western N. America – South British Columbia to Oregon
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Propagation: From seed
Notes: grows from a taproot; hermaphrodite

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Iris pumila

Type: rhizomatous or bulbous perennials
Family: Iridaceae
Color: variable colors violet-purple, blue to yellow or white
Exposure: full sun
Bloom Month: early May
Height: 8-10”
Shape: short spikes
Soil: sandy soil, loam, alkaline
Moisture: well drained
Origin: native to central Europe and the Caucasus
Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Propagation: Propagate by seed or by division of rhizomes
Notes: Also known as pygmy iris or dwarf iris

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Gentiana sino-ornata

Type: semi-evergreen perennial
Family: Gentianaceae
Color: single pure blue with a white- and green-striped throat
Exposure: Full Sun, partial shade
Bloom Month: Autumn – Sept – October
Height: 2–3 in tall, with multiple prostrate stems 6–12 in long,
Shape: Low growing mat, 12-18”
Soil: well-drained soil with an acid or neutral pH; scree;
Moisture: average to moist – does not like alkaline soil
Origin: native to western China and Tibet
Hardiness Zone: 4
Propagation: Clumps may be easily divided in spring.
Notes: Also called ‘Showy Chinese Gentian’

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Gentiana acaulis

Type: Evergreen Perennial
Family: Gentianaceae
Color: Blue trumpets
Exposure: full sun to partial shade; protect from hot afternoon sun
Bloom Month: mid to late spring
Height: up to 4 inches
Shape: mat forming, up to 10 inches
Soil: rich, acidic and cool soil
Moisture: Evenly moist
Origin: native to central and southern Europe
Hardiness Zone: 2-9
Propagation: From seed or division
Notes: Also called ‘stemless’ or trumpet gentian

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Dryas octopetala

Type: Evergreen subshrub
Family: Rosaceae
Color: white
Exposure: Full sun
Bloom Month:
Height: 4”
Shape: small prostrate colonies
Soil: Gravel or sandy soils
Moisture: Moist
Origin: Arctic and sub-arctic Europe, Asia and America. Mountains in south Europe, including Britain
Hardiness Zone: 3-6
Propagation: From seed or division
Notes: Common name includes Mountain Avens

Alaska Rock Garden Society

The society has been very active in bringing well know speakers to the area. The group leads seed collecting trips to areas of alpine plants in Alaska.

Contact Information

Alaska Rock Garden Society

12001 Audubon Drive
Anchorage, AK 99516

Email: jrtinker@mtaonline.net

© By Alaska Rock Garden Society. All Rights Reserved.