Hardy Plants

Douglasia montana

Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Primulaceae
Color: pink
Exposure: Full sun
Bloom Month: April – May
Height: under 4”
Shape: cushion
Soil: scree; suitable for troughs
Moisture: well drained
Origin: Found only in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and the Waterton Lakes area of Alberta.
Hardiness Zone: 3-5
Propagation: From seed
Notes: Dwarf primrose

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Draba siberica

Type: Perennial herb; forb
Family: Brassicaceae
Color: yellow clusters
Exposure: sunl shaded from hot afternoon sun
Bloom Month: May-June
Height: 4-6 inches
Shape: ground-hugging habit of growth;
Soil: grows best in sandy soils
Moisture: dry to average in well-drained soil
Origin: Siberia, Caucusus Mountains of Europe, and eastern Greenland.
Hardiness Zone: 3-7
Propagation: Seeds are small siliques – can be divided right after blooming
Notes: Also called Siberian Willow grass, although it is not a grass.

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Draba densifolia

Type: Perennial herb – forb – in the mustard
Family: Brassicaceae
Color: bright yellow
Exposure: Full Sun
Bloom Month: Jun-Aug
Height: 4-6 inches
Shape: cushion-like mats of small fleshy, hairy, pointed leaves in rocky crevices and on slopes
Soil: scree; tufa
Moisture: well drained
Origin: native to western North America, above 2000 meters from California to Alaska to Wyoming.
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Propagation: by seed in spring or cuttings of single rosettes in late summer.
Notes: Also known as the dense-leaf draba

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Draba dedeana

Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Brassicaceae
Color: pure white
Exposure: Full sun or partial shade
Bloom Month: March, April
Height: 3”
Shape: Cushion to mat-forming
Soil: well drained, scree; lean, with a little fertilizer
Moisture: dry; needs water during growth cycle, then dry.
Origin: Mountains of northern and eastern Spain
Hardiness Zone: 3
Propagation: division; seeds may be sown in the fall
Notes: Avoid pouring water over cushions; dead head flowers after blooming.

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Draba bryoides

Type: Herbaceous perennial Family: Brassicaceae
Color: yellow flowers bloom in racemes
Exposure: Sun, part sun
Bloom Month: Mar – May
Height: up to 3 inches tall
Shape: dense hairy cushions; 3 inches across
Soil: gritty, sharply drained soil; scree, trough; protect from overly wet soils in winter
Moisture: well drained
Origin: native to Armenia and Turkey; Grows on hills and rocky places.
Hardiness Zone: 4-8
Propagation: Seeds, division or cuttings
Draba is easily grown from seeds, or late summer cuttings from single rosette shoots
Notes: Evergreen – rare – on the list of Rare and Endangered Plants of Armenia.

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Dodecatheon alpinum

Type: perennial herb
Family: Primulaceae
Color: pink – Large and showy flower, from altitudes 6,000 to 12,000 feet
Exposure: full sun
Bloom Month: June – July
Height: up to 12”
Shape: erect clump
Soil: Bogs, moist meadows and beside streams, in high-elevation areas, up to 11,500 fee
Moisture: Moist
Origin: native to the Western United States, in California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, and Utah.
Hardiness Zone: 4
Propagation: From seed or division
Notes: common name alpine shooting star

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Dianthus ‘La Bourboule’

Type: hybrid perennial herb
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Color: rose-pink
Exposure: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Bloom Month: Late spring or early summer
Height: up to 4 inches
Shape: compact mounds or mats
Soil: well drained, fertile, sandy loam, neutral to alkaline soil
Moisture: well drained
Origin: hybrid
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Propagation: By seed or soft wood cuttings
Notes: Deadhead regularly to prolong flowering

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Dianthus alpinus

Type: Perennial herb
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Color: Pink shades
Exposure: Full Sun or Partial Shade
Bloom Month: June to August.
Height: 2”
Shape: a low cushion or bun, 6-12 inches wide
Soil: Sandy; gravel scree or trough garden
Moisture: Dry, well drained; dislikes heavy or soggy soils.
Origin: found in the north-eastern limestone Alps of Austria
Hardiness Zone: 3-8
Propagation: By seed or division
Notes: Evergreen

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Daphne arbuscula

Type: Dwarf evergreen shrub
Family: Thymelaeaceae
Color: Flowers deep pink, very fragrant
Exposure: Full sun; West-facing or South-facing
Bloom Month: in late spring and early summer
Height: 4”
Shape: shrubby, prostrate habit
Soil: Moderately fertile, humus rich, Sand, loam
Moisture: Moist, but well drained
Origin: native only to Slovakia
Hardiness Zone: 5-9
Propagation: Seeds are rarely produced; cuttings & graftings may be done.
Notes: The species is endangered and protected by law in Slovakia and also by European law

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Campanula rotundifolia

Type: Herbaceous perennial
Family: Campanulaceae
Color: Blue-violet bell-shaped flowers
Exposure: Sun , Part Shade , Shade
Bloom Month: Jun – Sep
Height: 1-3 ft.
Shape: spreading by seed and rhizomes
Soil: Sandy, well-drained soils.
Moisture: Dry
Origin: Temperate Eurasia and North America, from Europe east to Siberia and Canada
Hardiness Zone: 4-9
Propagation: By seed or root cuttings
Notes: Habitat: Moist, rocky, mt. slopes; dry meadows & prairies; open woods; limey cliffs; beaches. Harebells grow in dry, nutrient-poor grasslands and heaths.

Alaska Rock Garden Society

The society has been very active in bringing well know speakers to the area. The group leads seed collecting trips to areas of alpine plants in Alaska.

Contact Information

Alaska Rock Garden Society

12001 Audubon Drive
Anchorage, AK 99516

Email: jrtinker@mtaonline.net

© By Alaska Rock Garden Society. All Rights Reserved.