Hardy Plants

Salix boydii

Type: deciduous shrub
Family: Salicaceae
Color: Cream, Yellow
Exposure: full sun
Bloom Month: may produce small catkins in April or May
Height: 1-2’
Shape: mounding to upright, but gnarled habit
Soil: gritty soil that stays evenly moist
Moisture: moist, well drained
Origin: thought to be a hybrid between Salix lanata and Salix reticulate.
Hardiness Zone: zone 4 but not fond of heat and humidity
Propagation: Cuttings
Notes: Also called “Boyd’s willow” – Slow growing; may be started in a trough, later transferred to the ground.

Alaska Rock Garden Society

The society has been very active in bringing well know speakers to the area. The group leads seed collecting trips to areas of alpine plants in Alaska.

Contact Information

Alaska Rock Garden Society

12001 Audubon Drive
Anchorage, AK 99516

Email: jrtinker@mtaonline.net

© By Alaska Rock Garden Society. All Rights Reserved.